Saturday, December 28, 2019
How to Effectively Present your Emailed Resume
How to Effectively Present your Emailed Resume How to Effectively Present your Emailed Resume It is critical that you pay attention to not only what is contained within your resume and cover letter, but how these documents are presented to the recruiter. Some things to keep in mind when preparing your documentation includeNever include a writing sample from your Facebook or LinkedIn page, or any other social networking platform. These are not professional platforms, even when being used for professional purposes, and will appear amateurish.If you want to make an impression with a particular statement or piece of information in your cover letter, make aya that it is at the beginning of the letter. Particularly if your cover letter is long, many clients will end up scanning through and may miss something that you find important.Create an email address to use for your business communications that sounds professional. Avoid cutesy or clever addresses. A good bet is to use some variat ion of your name.If a job posting asks for samples of your work and you are not comfortable providing these samples, do not apply for the job. Never state that you do not feel comfortable sending samples, or sound negative about the companys request.Do not request more information on a posting unless there is a specific offer within the post. If you are confused about something that is within the post, research it or contact the company through another means to ask your questions.Never address a recruiter or hiring manager in a way that implies you already have the position (Let me know when I can departure or Im ready to start when you are). You may think that it sounds confident and will impress the manager, but it will only make you look unprofessional.If you are directing the hiring manager to your website to see samples or gain more information, make sure that there arent automatic features such as music, videos, or surveys. The recruiter does not want to feel as though you are trying to push him/her around or be controlling. Let the recruiter opt-in to any features on your site.Never indicate that you are unsure of the type of person or skills that the company needs. This will seem as though you did not read the posting in its totality or are unprepared for the hiring process.Be careful with the name that you give documents. The hiring manager that reads your resume will see the title that you give it, and something like moms resume is going to give the impression that you are not on top of computer skills.Make sure that you put something in the body of the email. Dont just add attachments and send it along. Many recruiters prefer that your cover letter is in the email itself.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to furthe r their career.
Monday, December 23, 2019
How to Network Through Facebook to Get a Job
How to Network Through Facebook to Get a JobHow to Network Through Facebook to Get a JobSocial media aficionados know that not all websites, blogs and networking boards are created equal. LinkedIn is the spot for the professional crowd looking to promote their careers, Instagram is the place for selfies with your BAE and MySpacewell lets just say that were pretty sure it still exists. For pure reach and connection capability, however, none of these beat the sheer reach and scope of Facebook.While Facebook is definitely a more relaxed platform, job seekers would be remiss in dismissing the site as nothing more than a platform for how-to fancy food videos and silly cat memes. Businesses are increasingly recognizing the value in creating and maintaining a strong Facebook presence. As someone looking to network or make a career move, the website may also serve as a valuable resource in your job hunt. Want to hear more? Read on to find out how to network through Facebook to get a job.Spre ad the WordOne of the most tried and true methods for identifying potential open positions is good, old-fashioned networking with your peers. Traditionally job seekers have used phone, email or in person lunch dates to scope out the possibilities. Facebooks ability to connect people on demand using a variety of contact options is a definitive verkommen twist on the age-old concept.If youre in the job market, consider starting an open post to ask friends and colleagues if they know of anyone looking for talent. Chances are that your like-minded friends will have heard through the grapevine of an opportunity or two in your chosen career field. This method also allows friends the chance to earn a nice referral bonus if their place of business offers that kind of perk.Get InteractiveFacebook isnt just for sharing posts, pictures and status updates. The ability to create and participate in discussion groups with professionals in your career field or with similar hobbies can also provide an invaluable networking opportunity. If you dont have a specific group in mind, put your fingers to work in that search bar. Look for keywords, phrases or job titles and see what pops up.Its important to note that unlike many other professional networking geared forums, Facebook is often a casual atmosphere for people to exchange ideas. This can be helpful for building meaningful relationships and forging connections that lead to job opportunities, but may also trip up would be job-seekers who get a bit loose on the keyboard. Remember to not say anything on Facebook that you wouldnt say in person and youll be ready to take advantage of social interaction in order to make big-time career moves.Do Your ResearchWhen it comes to helping out in the job department, Facebook can also be an excellent place to research your prospective employer. Job boards and career advice columns are littered with articles that tell you to perform plenty of due diligence prior to submitting an application or attending an interview. In addition to important details regarding corporate culture, seeing just how the company interacts with its clients and customers can convey important details about what theyre looking for when it comes to employees that will be representing their brand. The Facebook Bottom LineWhile you may have signed up for the cute pictures of your nieces or to spy on your ex without landing a stalker charge, Facebook can be a useful tool for those in search of new career prospects. However you engage, remember to conduct yourself professionally and in a mom-approved manner and youll be on your way to social media, job networking success.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
1 (Overlooked) Tip To Raise Your Responses 40-70%
1 (Overlooked) Tip To Raise Your Responses 40-70%1 (Overlooked) Tip To Raise Your Responses 40-70%Ive fallen down the rabbit hole of filling out numerous applications on the online job posting sites and playing that game. I know Im getting lost in the shuffle. Im being told the place to be seen is LinkedIn, but with all the features LinkedIn has, its hard to know what gives you the biggest bang for your buck.LinkedIn hosts 500 million users, 138 million of whom live in the United States. The platform features 3 million job listings, and a plethora of fancy features presented as tools to help you through your job search. Tools that genuinely help the job hunter definitely get my vote, especially since the typical response rate from the major job boards is a paltry 1-2%. But did you know therbeie are things you can do on LinkedIn that are gasp just regular things no special sauce necessary?Heres the biggest unTool I see on LinkedIn, which could skyrocket your job search in an instant the key is the invite feature, and what that really allows you to do.Put Yourself In The Recruiters ShoesMost job hunters drive the job search from their own perspective its about the role you want, near where you live, in the time frame you need. You network only barely past the point where it suits your immediate interests, then youre done. You reach out to the people most likely to serve your purposes. Some of those folks respond, however, many do not. So it seems like youre done.Understand this when a LinkedIn member has the word recruiter in his or her title, that invites automatic, constant bombardment of invitations to connect from folks hither and yon they may be in the recruiters field, or they may not be. Their expertise may be what the recruiter deals with, or it may not be. Too often, these requests are the randomest of random, and news flash the recruiter doesnt have time for it.Theyre All Reading The Same StuffIf YOU arent too terribly turned on by an invitation that says, Id like to add you to my network on LinkedIn, then why do you think the recruiter or anyone else would be? The instant, pre-written, pre-formatted, robo-invitation to connect doesnt excite anyone. Worse, all it does is showcase you as exactly the same as the 1,000 other people who so thoughtlessly invited the recruiter to connect on that particular day.This is why your invitations remain un-responded to. This is why when you go back and check to see how many new recruiter connections you have, the number has either not moved at all, or barely moved into the single digits. And this is the place where most job hunters stop its hard to know what else to do at this juncture.But Im going to tell you what to do from here forwardStrike A Balance Between the Typical Invite And Your Own Value-Added MessageAn unanswered invitation to connect is by no means the end of the road. Click on the profile of a person to whom you previously sent an invitation. Guess what youll find right under their profile picture? Two thingsWhere there used to be a button saying connect, now that button indicates your previous invitation to connect is pending. And right next to that is the glorious button that says, message.No more sending the standard robo-invitation and hitting a brick wall. No more cramming a 150-character custom message into an invitation. No more using up the InMails you paid for in your premium account. After you invite a person to connect, whether they accept the invitation or not, you can message them directly.Do you know what happens when you message the relevant person directly? Picture this youre no longer an also-ran in the rat race towards the roles you want. Youre no longer a nameless, faceless satzinhalt eines datenbanksegmentes on an ATS resume. You just graduated from the standard 1-2% response rate the job boards offer, to now a 40-70% response rate from a real human being.And NowIts YOUR TurnDont revert back to the meMeME perspective. This is your op portunity to show that you care about the individual person, the organization they represent, and have some SPECIFIC expertise to bring to the table.Heres a pro tip your expertise is not that youre motivated, ok? Please. Just stop.Without being confined to a character limit, theres nothing wrong with opening your message by saying you hope the person is having a great day. Take a half-second to act like a normal human being.Next, show what you know about the company. If you pull this piece from either the history or the about us pages on the corporate web site, I will jump through the Internet, across space and time, and kill you. Lets simply avoid all that kerfuffle by you investing the time and effort to uncovering some current, newsworthy information about the company instead. Drop that into your message.Then, spend 1 sentence on the specific set of professional skills you have to offer that could be of interest for the organization at this particular moment in time.Connecting di rectly with the person you need makes a tremendous difference in your job search being long and arduous, or shorter and more fruitful. Step up and over the ignored invitation to connect the buck doesnt stop there. Use this strategy to still get your value-laden message through to the person you want to see it.Did you know the simple step to take to make sure you ALWAYS have all the skills required for a particular job opening you have your eye on? We go over that in, 5 Secret Job Search Hacks For The Age 50+ Job-Hunter Its a free online presentation that shows you step-by-step screenshot-by-screenshot how to build your LinkedIn profile the right way (not the just-copy-and-paste-your-resume way). Make sure to join us by registering here today.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
7 things you can do to live a more content happy life
7 things you can do to live a more content happy life7 things you can do to live a more content happy lifeWith the stresses of daily life, it can be hard to find the time to reflect and appreciate the positive things in life. The demands of modern-day living can be overwhelming, leaving many people feeling that they never get a moment to themselves, which can lead to increased levels of stress.Taking regular time out to relax is essential in helping us lead a fulfilled and happy life. Making me time a priority may seem selfish at first, but if you do it on a regular basis, it canimprove your overall wellbeing, andreduce stress levels, helping you be more productive, boost your creativity and enhance your self-esteem.Spending time on yourself can mean lots of things. You may simply want to switch off your computer and phone and bask in 10 minutes of silence. Or you may want to escape from reality by reading a book or watching a film that helps your mind relax.Whatever you do, try to do it fully and completely. For instance, if you go for a walk try notlage to listen to music or think about whats on your to-do list at the same time. Just concentrate on enjoying the sights, smells and sounds around you as you walk, after allresearch shows thatdeveloping gratitudeis good for overall wellbeing.Thankfully, there are lots of simple things you can do that will help you to feel happier, healthier and more content. Here are some natural mood boosters from thewellbeing experts at CABA.1. Do something activeExercise can protect against the effects of stress by taking your mind off anything thats bothering you and making you feel good about yourself. Its widelyacknowledgedthat physical activity boosts your brains production of feel-good hormones called endorphins and can lower your blood pressure, both of which can make you feel calmer.Do something physical that you enjoy, whether its going to the gym, cycling, horse riding, swimming or playing a team sport such as cricke t or netball. Just heading outdoors into the fresh air for a brisk walk is enough to elevate your mood. Yoga, tai chi and pilates all incorporate controlled movements combined with breathing, which may help you feel more relaxed.2. Get a hobbyActivities that help your brain switch off from lifes pressures are a great way to spend your me time. Learn a musical instrument, do some gardening, go fishing, try your hand at painting or life drawing just do something purely because it makes you feel good. Anything that takes you away from problems at home or at work will be worth every minute you spend on it.A hobby can also be an ideal creative outlet and help you meet and bond with other people. And it can give you a sense of satisfaction whenever you achieve or finish something youve been working on.3. Pamper yourselfHaving a massage is another way to help your body release endorphins while at the same time reducing the production of stress hormones. It can also help your muscles relax , while at the same time reducing your heart rate and blood pressure and boosting your circulation.If youre not a fan of a massage, try having a manicure or pedicure, or having a facial treatment. All of these canboost your self-esteemand help you feel calmer, both physically and mentally.4. Take a napIf you dont have the energy for hobbies or anything active, you could alsotry recharging your batteries by taking time out for a daytime nap, but try not to nap for longer than 20 minutes or you could wake up feeling groggy. Find a quiet corner, switch off your phone and close your eyes.Alternatively, take a middaymeditationbreak. Just 5 or 10 minutes of sitting quietly and observing your breathing could make the rest of your day more enjoyable and productive.5. Laugh it offExperts believe laughter reduces stress hormones and blood pressure while boosting the immune system and triggering the release of endorphins. When youre laughing, your stress dissolves even if its only for a few m oments. So, try to make time during your day to read a funny book, watch a comedy or meet up with a friend who makes you giggle.6. Keep a gratitude logStudies have shown a range of impressive benefits linked to simply jotting down the things youre grateful for. As we fall asleep, our thoughts set the tone for the next few hours of dreaming, so by writing down the things youre thankful for, a few times a week just before bed, will help give you a peaceful nights sleep.Remember to look over your log regularly or whenever youre feeling down it will help you appreciate the positive things in life.7. Stop comparing yourself to othersUnfortunately, social media can trigger negative feelings of self-disdain. It provides us with the opportunity to judge our accomplishments, appearance and traits against others. In fact,researchershave discovered that 1 in 3 people felt worse and more dissatisfied with their lives after visiting Facebook.Most smartphones will now tell you how much time you s pend using social media apps, take a quick look, you may be surprised by how much time you spend idly scrolling through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.Try switching off completely, whether thats for a few hours a day or a few days a week, try to reduce the amount of time spent on these sites. Instead, use this time to try 1 of the tips above. And remember, the reality is, people often showcase only the best aspects of their life on social media.This article first appeared on YourCoffeeBreak.
Monday, December 9, 2019
A Startling Fact about Public Relations Resume Uncovered
A Startling Fact about Public Relations Resume Uncovered Something as easy as a file folder or notebook may be used to track your achievements. Uploading to our resume database requires you to make an account. When you format a resume, its important to keep in mind your headings will need to stick out in some way to easily differentiate sections from one another and to separate them from the remainder of your text. Continuing on to the next section. Public relations resume samples to be found on the Internet may provide fantastic suggestions of the forms of information to include but this is supposed to deliver the most extensive outline. Public Relations is a difficult notion. Read more about the way to turn into a Public Relations Specialist. No matter whatever major you select, one that appears to be absolutely the most useful is business administration. Research There are a few excellent resources to assist in your search for a home-based prospect. The capability to s how you recognize how to get increased traffic to sites like using analytical tools is also a bonus. Think about the costs Theres an extremely straightforward means to figure out to what degree your new company will cost, especially if its a franchise. Business management zugreifbar degrees alongside other on-line degree programs are getting more credible in the current work force. Managing your brand is an ongoing practice. The Head of PR also has to have a keen eye for PR and communications talents that hell draw in to form the PR department. Moreover, a market research analyst employs some of exactly the same skills a PR manager would discover invaluable in their job, including monitoring market trends to attempt to predict the sales for a specific product or service a business is offering. As a PR executive, youre going to be expected to locate platforms to acquire publicity for your business. PR Industry is developed on numbers. Needless to say, its important to understand how PR should get the job done. The Key to Successful Public Relations Resume Strong communication skills are also rather important, particularly for handling media requests. Proofreading is among the most essential characteristics of polishing any resume to perfection. Making career choices isnt simple. Accomplishments demonstrate your abilities and strengths. Because most job descriptions require, being highly organized and having the ability to work on multiple tasks at one time will go a very long way It shows an assortment of skills, which will help make the client more desirable to the prospective employer. You will have to show certain skills to stand out to possible employers. In advertising, you must have good PR skills as soon as it comes to managing the expectations of your customers, creative team and also suppliers. If you decide to take online classes, it can be quite beneficial to you, not just for the level, but also in the event that you have other personal o bligations that block you from taking courses in person. If you dont have enough time or inclination to return for a complete level, you may want to consider instead applying for a certificate program. This program was made to teach you just how to understand and use the requirements and principles to manage efficiently and effectively. The very best business certification programs supply you with the extra edge of an extra credential on your resume, while at the very same time giving you valuable real-world skills which you require to change careers or improve your existing ones.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The New Angle On Best Resume Writing Services Dc 2013 Just Released
The New Angle On Best Resume Writing Services Dc 2013 Just Released You may still choose the most reputable and dependable company by reading reviews at If you cannot locate a review on a specific company you want to know more about, I advise that you take a peek at our top rated resume writing services and pick one from the list. Bottom Line If youre looking for top rated resume writing services, Careers Booster is surely an institution to think about. There are lots of Professionals who guide you and help you with CV writing tips. Writing a CV may be long and time-consuming procedure, but by means of the proper expert assistance, you can create one quite quickly. Hiring qualified CV services are able to make a wonderful difference to your career prospects. The resumes and cover letters were of the maximum standard, the kind of CV you wouldnt be ashamed to utilize in your application to a top rated worldwide business. If youre looking for top essay wr iting companies, try out the mentioned above. Pay a visit to our site, place an order, and as soon as you get our paper writing help, you wont ponder where to get essays zugreifbar anymore. Its hard to select a service to purchase your essay from. Benefit from our reviews to make sure that the online resume writing service you decide to hire truly will be able to help you secure a bright future for you and your family members A History of Best Resume Writing Services Dc 2013 Refuted From time to time, however, folks would rather entrust their resume to professional writers as opposed to rely on their very own knowledge. Due to resume writing companies, the one thing you should do is submitting the purchase and await the resume to get completed. When you want to select the best resume writing service to boost your resume, its simple to be overwhelmed with options. As our group of writers is quite big, we always have free writers keen to bring a manageable and well-paid purch ase. Whether youre unemployed and searching for work, or youve had it with your present job and wish to earn a change, obtaining a persuasive and professional looking resume is vitally important. A targeted resume is one which keeps the work description in mind in any respect times. You can be certain that opting for professional resume writing service, would make sure that you make a favorable spot in the work marketplace. By keeping the above mentioned demand in view, plenty of inexpensive resumes andonline resume writing services are obtainable for the ease of candidates, but it isnt easy for all of the jobless candidates to bear the excessive professional resume writing rates.
Friday, November 29, 2019
How Much Time Workers Spend on Cell Phones
How Much Time Workers Spend on Cell Phones How Much Time Workers Spend on Cell Phones */Read the infographic text.How Much Time Workers Spend on Cell Phones and Personal TasksMinutes per day employees spend using their personal mobile devices for non-work activities 56THATS NEARLY 5 HOURS A WEEKMinutes per day managers think employees spend using their personal mobile devices 39What employees spend the most time on when using their personal mobile devices at workACCORDING TO EMPLOYEESACCORDING TO MANAGERSPersonal email 30%28%Social networks28%62%Sports sites9%1%Mobile games 6%2%zugreifbar shopping sites5%4%Entertainment sites 3%1%According to workers, companies block access to the following websites39% Social networks30% Entertainment sites27% Online shopping sites23% Sports sites48% None of these58% of employees often use their personal devices at work to access websites that are blocked by their company.Only 39% of managers think it happens frequently.(Respondents whose companies block access to websites)Minutes per day employees spend attending to personal tasks during work hours 42THATS 3.5 HOURS A WEEKMinutes per day managers think employees spend attending to personal tasks 41Source OfficeTeam surveys of more than 300 workers and more than 300 senior managers in the United States.Top responses shown. 2017 OfficeTeam. A Robert Half Company. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veterans.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
5 Ways to Successfully Deal With Family Issues at Work
5 Ways to Successfully Deal With Family Issues at Work5 Ways to Successfully Deal With Family Issues at Work Life is full of surprise family issues that can throw a wrench in your workday. Nothing blows up an afternoon of meetings quite like a call from the school nurse or your dads doctor.Its part of doing geschftlicher umgang in the modern work world. Most employees will admit having to leave work for family reasons and doing errands during the workday. You can probably think of a few examples from around your office just this week.Youll never know when unexpected family issues will arise. But if you plan ahead, you can minimize disruptions when they do. With that in mind, here are a few tips to help you tackle those unplanned family situations.Employers have become increasingly inclined to provide employee benefits that supportparents and other caregivers, but oftentimes it makes sense to connect with your manager about establishing some off-the-books flexibilit y. Make sure to remember that accountability comes with flexibility, so you should be ready with a solution. For example, explain that if you have to leave work early, youll pick up where you left off from home.You dont know when disaster is going to strike, but its a safe bet that it will at some point. Keep an in-case-of-emergency handbook ready and up-to-date for your nanny and your spouse, so they can handle minor flare-ups on their own. Run through your plans with your children, so they know what to expect. And create a list of secondary phone numbers in case you cant be reached right away while youre at work. Having a plan in place ensures everyone knows what to do. It may even have the effect of showing your nanny and family how much they can handle on their own, decreasing the likelihood that youll get called home from work because your little ones running a slight fever.Its natural for feelings to bubble up when your workday is interrupted by family issues, be it a call fro m your daughters principal or your dads cardiologist. When these situations arise, allow yourself to take a beat and identify the most effective way to move forward. Being annoyed will just add more stress to the situation .Having a backup care plan in place is super important for working families. This means having a plan for when an unexpected situation arises. In some cases this is a family member or close friend you can lean on in a pinch. Sometimes dual-income partners will alternate which one will miss work to deal with the situation. Lucky ones have employer-provided backup care a reliable solution to fill care gaps that could otherwise force working moms, dads or caregivers to call out of work, miss a deadline or reschedule an important meeting. If youre unsure, ask your manager or HR if your employee benefits programs include backup care or other family care assistance benefits.Ninety percent of employees have left work for family reasons, according to Care.coms recent Better Benefits survey . It happens. But just because absenteeism is an expected part of doing business doesnt mean you shouldnt be grateful and gracious when your coworkers cover for you when you need to dip out to deal with a family situation. Especially if someone goes above and beyond, like leading a meeting or giving a presentation for you, be sure to send a small thank you and consider giving them a shout out at a team or company meeting. A little thanks and recognition goes a long way when it comes to building team and boosting morale.This article was originally published on .
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Free Entry Level Medical Assistant Resume Template
Free Entry Level Medical Assistant Resume TemplateFree Entry Level Medical Assistant Resume TemplateLearning how to master the resume is key to landing a great entry level medical assistant job. A strong resume not only highlights your strengths and experience, it shows how you, as a person, fit within a practice. Even if you have no job experience, you can still show that you are a valuable team member by focusing on your skills, volunteer work and education. Take a look at the following entry level medical assistant resume guide to learn how to create an outstanding resume that will get you noticed.Create ResumeCustomize ResumeWhat to Include in an Entry Level Medical Assistant ResumeWhen creating an entry level medical assistant resume, it is important to think of all of the skills and experience you have that could positively influence a recruiter or hiring manager. Some potential information you may wish to use includes your education, skills and work experience. If you do not h ave any work experience, highlight your natural abilities and excellent education instead. Also, be sure to include any volunteer work you have done in the recent past.Common Resume Fails Mistakes to AvoidForcing It If you try to force too much information into one small piece of paper, your resume may be a mess, causing hiring managers to have a very difficult time reading it. Additionally, if you try to force keywords in order to impress them, it often has the opposite effect.Failing to Stay Relevant In an entry level medical assistant resume, it may be difficult to determine what is relevant. Omit items that have nothing to do with your education or work experience or that fail to connect with the new position in any way.Missing Errors There is nothing that screams unprepared quite like a sloppy resume. If you have typos and formatting errors on your resume, it will show that you are not interested enough in the position to take the time to fix them and present a good face.Lying No good is likely to come from lying on a resume. To avoid any potential for future problems, highlight your experience and skills and emphasize your desire to learn more as you grow in the profession.Resume Content Frederick James McFadden 18293 Brown Hen Way, Las Vegas, NV 11111 555.654.3210 Summary Enthusiastic recent graduate of a medical assisting program who is eager to begin serving patients in the community. Shows extreme attention to detail, a superior work ethic and a congenial attitude that can help put patients at ease. Ability to perform vitals checks on patients, clean and dress wounds, and perform common administrative tasks. Experience volunteering at local hospitals in the pediatric and oncology departments. Looking for an opportunity to build skills while gaining experience and knowledge from mentors within the industry. Highlights Strong IT knowledge and skills, including Microsoft programs. Affinity for learning new computer programs.Hard w orker who is not afraid of learning new things and gaining additional responsibilities.Approaches problems with both logic and passion.Enjoys working in teams and alone, as patient care requires.Affinity for reading and comprehending medical terminology and information.Manages difficult or stressful situations easily. Experience National Honor Society, President 8/1/2013 5/1/2014 Desert Palm High School Las Vegas, NV Presided over meetings and ensured they were carried out according to the rules of procedure.Acted as representative of the chapter during official functions and in public relations.Appointed and oversaw committeesCoordinated chapter activities and evaluated how each division of activities was progressing.Worked with Vice-President to ensure chapter met its goals. Hospital Volunteer 5/1/2012 5/1/2014 University Medical Center Las Vegas, NV Played with pediatric patients and kept them comfortable.Read to, talked with and listened to patients of all ages.Helped patie nts feel comfortable by providing them with basic needs such as blankets,Assisted nurses. Education Associate of Science Medical Assisting (4.0)Community College of Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NVDesert Palm High School Las Vegas, NVAdvanced Placement Diploma, 2014 (GPA 4.35)Honors National Honor Society, Presidents Choice Award
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